Mâncare grecească de miel și orez

Pentru 2 persoane

1 ceapă
1 cățel de usturoi
1/2 lingură ulei de măsline
200 g miel
300 g apă de izvor
10 g cub de bulion transparent
125 g orez integral
200 g dovlecel
1,5 roșii de vită
50 g brânză feta
5 g pătrunjel
2,5 g mentă
35 g măsline negre
75 g iaurt (3,5% grăsime)

Mod de preparare

Peel onion, cut into eighths. Peel garlic and chop finely. Sauté both in olive oil. Cut lamb meat into cubes, add, and sauté thoroughly. Add water and bring to a boil. Dissolve bouillon cube dissolve in water and cook for 45 minutes. Then add rice and allow to absorb liquid for 20-25 minutes. Clean courgette, wash, cut into sticks. Cut beef tomatoes into small pieces. Add together with courgettes and heat up. Cut feta cheese into small cubes. Wash one sprig of parsley and mint, finely chop. Drain black olives and gently stir everything in to the rice pan. Serve with yogurt.

Tip: serve with tomato and cucumber salad.

Extra calorii*

For higher energy needs, enjoy a fruit salad for dessert.

*(Extra calories for persons with extra high energy requirement (at least 8 hours of continuous standing a day or athletes performing 8 hours of sports per week.)

Valori nutriționale

Energie 691 kcal | Proteine 37.9 g | Glucide 60.1 g | Fibre 4.56 g | Lipide 32.5 g