250 g piept de pui dezosat
500 g roșii de vită
2 căței de usturoi (tocați)
1 ceapă
1/2 ardei iute (tocat)
1 știulete de porumb
2 linguri de ulei de canola
4 scoici pentru taco (gata preparate)
50 g iaurt simplu (1,5% grăsime)
25 g brânză rasă
1 coriandru
1 vârf de cuțit de sare iodată
1 vârf de cuțit de piper
Cut chicken breast into small cubes or strips. Pour boiling water over tomatoes, remove skin and seeds. Dice tomato flesh.
Peel onion and garlic and chop coarsely. Finely mince onions, tomatoes, and garlic with a hand blender. Heat mixture and cook until reduced to half. Season sauce heartily with pepper, salt, and chili, optionally add some tomato paste.
Wash corn on the cob, cut into thick slices, brush with oil, and sauté in a pan.
Place chicken in the sauce and cook for five minutes. Bake tacos according to package instructions, fill with the chicken mixture. Spread yogurt and grated cheese on top and sprinkle with cilantro. Serve tacos with roasted corn pieces.
Extra calorii*
For higher energy needs, a fruit salad or a banana is a good choice.
*(Extra calories for persons with extra high energy requirement - at least 8 hours of continuous standing a day or athletes performing 8 hours of sports per week)
Energie 652 kcal | Proteine 46.6 g | Glucide 60.8 g | Fibre 12.4 g | Lipide 23.9 g