Vegan | Vegetarian
400 g gnocchi
1 ceapă
2 roșii
1 dovlecel
100 g porumb dulce (la conservă)
2 linguri de ulei de măsline
60 g brânză de vaci
2 vârfuri de cuțit de oregano
2 vârfuri de cuțit de sare iodată
2 vârfuri de cuțit de piper
Prepare gnocchi according to package instructions. Peel onion and chop. Wash courgette and tomato and chop. Drain the sweetcorn. Sauté the vegetables in a pan with a little oil. Then add gnocchi and cottage cheese and heat briefly. Season to taste with oregano, salt, and pepper.
Tip: A frozen vegetable mixture can also be used.
Extra calorii*
For higher energy needs, add 2 tablespoons pumpkin seeds and 1-2 tablespoons crème fraiche to the dish.
*(Extra calories for persons with extra high energy requirement - at least 8 hours of continuous standing a day or athletes performing 8 hours of sports per week)
Energie 499 kcal | Proteine 16.2 g | Glucide 77.8 g | Fibre 8 g | Lipide 12.7 g