Gnocchi Melange de legume

Vegan | Vegetarian

Pentru 2 persoane

400 g gnocchi
1 ceapă
2 roșii
1 dovlecel
100 g porumb dulce (la conservă)
2 linguri de ulei de măsline
60 g brânză de vaci
2 vârfuri de cuțit de oregano
2 vârfuri de cuțit de sare iodată
2 vârfuri de cuțit de piper

Mod de preparare

Prepare gnocchi according to package instructions. Peel onion and chop. Wash courgette and tomato and chop. Drain the sweetcorn. Sauté the vegetables in a pan with a little oil. Then add gnocchi and cottage cheese and heat briefly. Season to taste with oregano, salt, and pepper.

Tip: A frozen vegetable mixture can also be used.

Extra calorii*

For higher energy needs, add 2 tablespoons pumpkin seeds and 1-2 tablespoons crème fraiche to the dish.

*(Extra calories for persons with extra high energy requirement - at least 8 hours of continuous standing a day or athletes performing 8 hours of sports per week)

Valori nutriționale

Energie 499 kcal | Proteine 16.2 g | Glucide 77.8 g | Fibre 8 g | Lipide 12.7 g