Bol cu cereale și carne tocată în stil mexican

Pentru 2 persoane

80 g quinoa (sau mei)
2 cepe mici
2 ardei grași roșii
1 ardei iute proaspăt sau murat
3 usturoi
150 g carne de vită tocată
1 vârf de cuțit de chimen sau curry
1 vârf de cuțit de oregano uscat
1 vârf de cuțit de maghiran uscat
2 frunze de dafin
200 g bulion de legume
200 g boabe de porumb la conservă
1 linguriță de ulei de măsline
1 coriandru sau pătrunjel

Mod de preparare

Bring quinoa or millet and twice the amount of salted water to a slow boil while covered and allow to absorb water for 15 minutes (quinoa) or 25 minutes (millet). Then remove lid and let remaining liquid evaporate.

Clean onions and bell peppers and cut into strips. Cut open one chilli pepper or hot pepper, remove seeds (work with rubber gloves) and rinse pepper. Chop chili and garlic cloves.

Heat large pan.

Sauté ground meat for half a minute until crumbly and brown. Mix together onion and pepper strips, add garlic and chilli, season with cilantro, dried oregano, marjoram, and bay leaf and stir for 1 to 2 minutes. Pour in vegetable stock, bring to a boil, and allow to reduce slightly. Lastly, add corn to heat. Gently stir in oil and herbs (cilantro or parsley), fold in quinoa or millet and share out on two plates.

Extra calorii*

For increased energy needs, it is recommended to increase the amount of grain to a total of 150 g. Additionally, 100 g per person whole milk yogurt with dried chili pepper can be served.

Tip: guacamole from avocado works well with this dish.

*(Extra calories for persons with extra high energy requirement - at least 8 hours of continuous standing a day or athletes performing 8 hours of sports per week)

Valori nutriționale

Energie 503 kcal | Proteine 31.7 g | Glucide 50.2 g | Fibre 13.5 g | Lipide 19 g