Outstanding quality is the benchmark for everything we do. Our slogan “More quality for your life” is a promise to our customers and partners to always provide the best quality.
This quality is guaranteed by careful processes in our quality management, quality assurance, quality control and in our product declaration.
Our quality management, quality assurance, and quality control employees work seamlessly together as a well-coordinated team. At LR, these three departments interlink like the gears of a clockwork, ensuring excellent quality.

Our quality management system ensures that all products meet our standards. Through clear processes and regular checks, we guarantee quality from the selection of raw materials to the end product. With standards such as FSSC 22000 and Cosmetics GMP, LR Health & Beauty ensures a coordinated quality process.
In addition, our quality management team takes on an advisory function. It suggests ways to improve product quality and thus supports possible process optimizations.

Our quality assurance team converts standards such as FSSC 22000 and cosmetics GMP into company-specific guidelines. Risk analyses identify sources of error at an early stage in order to protect product quality. Precise test plans determine what is tested, while quality control provides the necessary data for evaluation. Quality assurance decides whether a product meets the highest standards and monitors compliance with legal regulations.

Our quality control team carefully checks according to detailed test plans, that all components of our product solutions are up to scratch: raw materials, containers, seals and labels. We carry out sensory, chemical-physical and microbiological tests in the laboratory. All results are recorded digitally in order to track quality seamlessly. Raw materials are only processed further or end products released if they pass the tests.

We are legally obliged to provide all essential product information on the product labels.
This includes the product name, ingredients, allergens, application instructions, warnings, nutritional information, a best-before date and a batch number.
This helps our customers and our partners to make an informed decision when choosing a product.
With our excellent, high-quality nutritional supplements and cosmetic products based on the latest scientific findings and the best of nature, we give people a greater quality of life. The quality of our product solutions and processes is regularly checked and certified by independent institutes.