LR Health & Beauty works together with various direct selling associations. These associations specialize in direct selling and establish high ethical standards in the industry that are binding for their member companies. They also advocate for the interests of their member companies with ministries, political parties, authorities, and administrations at the national, European, and international levels. In this way, they influence the discourse on direct selling-related topics.

LR is one of the member companies of the WFDSA. The World Federation of Direct Selling Associations has set itself the task of strengthening the understanding of direct selling worldwide. By developing, promoting and maintaining global standards for reputable direct selling, it enhances the image of the industry.

Direct Selling Europe (DSE) is an association of renowned companies and industry associations founded in 2007. The DSE represents the interests of the European direct selling industry in the European Union. LR has been a member since 2020 and is thus committed to complying with the DSE Code of Ethics.

LR has been a member of the German Direct Selling Association "Bundesverband Direktvertrieb Deutschland (BDD)" since 2011. The association has been representing its member companies in front of political decision-makers at national and european level for over 55 years and is committed to compliance with standards of conduct in direct selling. By being a member of the BDD, we commit to comply with these standards of conduct.