Outstanding quality is the benchmark for everything we do. Our slogan “More quality for your life” is a promise to our customers and partners to always provide the best quality.

For the past 40 years, we have been helping people lead a healthy and successful life. To this end, we develop innovative, needs-oriented product solutions for a better quality of life and a higher level of personal wellbeing.
Our promise: top-quality products engineered from the latest scientific insights and the power of nature.

"Made in Germany" stands for the highest quality worldwide, reflecting the highest standards we apply to our product solutions. The majority of our products are manufactured at our company headquarters in Ahlen, Westphalia.

Outstanding quality is the benchmark for everything we do. Our slogan “More quality for your life” is a promise to our customers and partners to always provide the best quality.

For us it is a matter of course that we take social responsibility in the here and now to assume social responsibility and to support sustainable development. It is time to act, to become sustainable – environmentally, socially and economically.