Vegan | Vegetarian
2 oranges
2 fennel bulbs
1 carrot
20 g juice of half a small lemon
1 pinch of sea salt
1 pinch of pepper
½ tsp. honey
2 large Tbsp. walnut oil
2 Tsp. chopped walnuts
2 Whole-grain rolls
Peel the oranges while removing white skin, halve and cut into thin slices. Remove the hard outer leaves from the fennel bulbs. Keep the green fennel leaves for garnish. Halve the fennel bulbs, remove the hard stalk, cut halves into thin slices. Peel the carrot and cut into very fine slivers. Spread everything on two plates. Whisk together lemon juice, sea salt, pepper, honey, and walnut oil, and drizzle over the orange and fennel slices. Garnish with green fennel leaves and sprinkle with chopped walnuts.
Serve with whole-grain bread rolls.
Extra Kalorien*
Als Nachtisch eignet sich eine Quarkspeise mit frischem Obst.
*Extrakalorien für Personen mit extra hohem Bedarf - min. 8 Stunden durchgehend stehende Tätigkeit am Tag oder Leistungssportler ab 8 Stunden Sport in der Woche.
Energy 508 kcal | Protein 14.2 g | Carbohydrates 48.1 g | Fibre 16.4 g | Fat 28 g